
A true strategist does not complain about uncertainty, but welcomes it as a source of inspiration!

Strategy development

Strategy is what helps you find your way when your vision becomes unclear. It is like a light on the horizon that can guide you in dark times. It is therefore important to ask: are we doing the right thing? Is the strategy properly aligned? A good strategy relies on the conviction of the leadership. The latter is very clear about the “why” and thus the “where to”. Successful leadership requires a clear and good strategy.

Uncertainty is normality. Von Clausewitz was already aware of this fact, recognizing that a good strategist can take advantage of it. Nowadays, uncertainty seems to be on the rise. Concepts like Design and Disruptive Thinking work with this. A good strategy is successful in this. It is based on a clear and strong “why”, a motivation, and integrates comprehensive factors. At the same time, it is not rigid, but open. Develop your strategy with long-term success in mind.

Find new approaches in your strategy development. Neuroscientific insights will help you to create something new. Expand your business model drawing from the guiding principles of strategists such as von Clausewitz or Sun Tsu.

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